COVID-19 has affected us all in one way or another. To name a few ways would include: learning how to work from home due to local stay at home orders, getting used to weekly Zoom meetings with co-workers and staff, keeping away from those who are immune compromised including loved ones, virtual birthday, anniversary and graduation celebrations or consciously and continuously disinfecting surface spaces around you while, all along abiding by the new health regulations which includes wearing a mask when entering most public establishments or maintaining six feet distance between you and others around you. Due to COVID-19, social events have been cancelled such as: festivals, conventions and expos. From limiting your interactions with close family members, who could be considered “high risk” to being weary of your encounters with anyone outside your own home, COVID-19 brings a lot of new regulations and changes with it. To say it has been a whirlwind of uncertainty and heightened concern wouldn’t even begin to describe the half of it.
Although all of these regulations have been coined as the “new normal”, we understand that things can get lost in translation with all the new COVID-19 updates. Things such as new case numbers, contradicting news reports, and hearsay play a part in this, and how to stay safe and healthy during these trying times can be very overwhelming and confusing.
That is why here at MDN Productions we as a company would like to explain what we are proceeding forward with. First off, we are taking our clients, vendors, as well as our employees’ health very seriously. We are keeping updated with the ever changing information related to COVID-19, following local and CDC guidelines. And while we realize requirements may continue to change, we have developed safety protocols to reflect current requirements. Please see below for more information.
Safety Guidelines:
- We have implemented regular cleaning of all workspace areas and items
- Wearing face-masks following safety protocols
- Providing hand sanitizer at our office and events as well as regular hand washing procedures
- Implementing social distancing, 6 feet a part, not congregating with other attendees outside original group
- Following state regulations in regards to how many people are allowed to congregate together.
- Offering virtual alternatives for live events
- Designing proper flow of events by using directional signage
- Including signage that reminds attendees or proper social distance, hand washing, and to wear masks
- Adding counters to monitor event capacities
- Adopting safety questionnaires to be included with registration and once on-site
- Grab and go food and beverages, plated foods, disposal dishes, and attended food station
- Always thinking about how we can improve our safety procedures and keeping you informed
What is no different about events then and now is that every function is unique. As consultants and event professionals it is our job to help maximize safety, follow guidelines and most importantly, craft an event that takes all of this into consideration while meeting the objectives of the function. That said, we handle each event separately to establish custom protocols. As we have been going through this process we have found some surprisingly positive outcomes especially when it comes to engagement. If you are interested in how that might work for your event, please contract us. We would be happy to work with you on maximize your ROI and safety.
For more information please check out these links below:
- What To Do If You Are Sick/ & More Denver Health
- CDC Website
- Should you get tested for COVID-19 ?
As we all try to navigate this new way of working and living, we still value creating that flawless event experience as you’ve come to know and love! Thank you for trusting us with all your event needs and we are looking forward to continuing being your event production partner of choice.